Media relations

A flattering article on a company’s achievements, published in a top media outlet, is one of the most powerful image tools available in the PR arsenal. Such success is the culmination of a long-term media relations process: building relationships and mutual support with journalists, which consists of a whole range of communication tools.

What is media relations all about?

The shortest definition of media relations indicates that it is the process of building and maintaining good relations between a brand and the media. In practice, from the perspective of the company and the agency, media relations consists of many factors, from providing the media with factual and valuable content, to educating them about the services and product, to organising joint trips or sending PR packages.

The goal of effective media relations is to make the journalist know the brand and associate it in a positive way, and not only want to publish the messages we send, but also actively seek contact with our company and its representatives.

We will build your brand's relationship with the media.

Do you need media relations?

Who needs media relations? Any company that wants positive information about it to appear in the media read by its potential employees, customers, business partners and support its business objectives.

When is it worth investing in media relations? Whenever your objectives are to:

Increase company recognition among your target groups
Educate your audience about your services and products
Build an image as an expert and leader in your sector
Draw public attention to an issue important to you and your organisation
Attract talent and new employees to the company
Prepare appropriately for potential crisis situations

Does media relations deliver results?

The effectiveness of media relations is often in doubt, particularly at the initial stage of cooperation. This is due to the fact that media relations benefits primarily image, and that we sometimes have to wait up to several months for their effects.

Does this mean that media relations are not useful for business? Not at all! Thanks to strategic media relations, our clients have seen, among other things:

Increase in favour of public administration representatives

Easier acquisition of contracts and government funding

Increasing the number of CVs submitted

A larger, better-qualified team, delivering better results

Greater recognition and trust among suppliers

Faster decisions on cooperation and joint implementation of further projects

Better understanding of niche activity by the wider public

Easier acquisition of new customers

What are your company’s objectives? Let’s talk and see how we can achieve them together!

Our Media Relations tools

Building media relations is based on a wide range of activities that we tailor to the needs, objectives and nature of your business. Click on the tile for details of each:

Media relations – our strategy

Want to develop your company's relationship with the media? Find out where to start

Media relations strategy

Based on an in-depth analysis, we will prepare a media relations strategy for you and put it into practice. Together we will determine the key target groups and the most important messages your company should direct at them, and select strategic media, journalists and opinion leaders. We will lay out a long-term action plan that effectively supports your business and image goals.

You can read what Planet Partners’ strategic approach is all about here.

Target group

Key topics

Key media

Forms of communication

Communication audit

Your company already communicates, but you are unsure of the effectiveness of these activities? We will carry out a communications audit for you. We will prepare an in-depth analysis of your media presence, as well as your communications on your own channels and internal communications. We will examine how well your audiences and key stakeholders know and see you. Based on the audit, we will develop conclusions and recommendations to help you communicate more effectively.

Want to know how much a company communication audit costs? Contact us!

Analysis of media presence

Owned channels

Strengths and weaknesses
